
hard work是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

hard work

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1.努力工作 Luck( 好运) Hard work努力工作) Knowledge( 知识) ...

2.艰苦的工作 Two heads are better than one.( 两人智慧胜一人) hard work艰苦的工作) hard blow( 沉重的一击) ...

3.勤奋 strive verb 反抗 hard work 努力工作;繁重的工作 work hard 努力学习;辛勤工作 ...

5.辛苦的工作 ★work hard 努力工作 ★hard work 辛苦的工作 ★out of work 失业 ...

6.勤奋工作勤奋工作Hard Work)得分99勤奋工作(Hard Work)得分98 35 1 3 从40%到110%不等 从50%到180%不等 60-61 60页最 …


1.Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence.到了这时代的创业妇女辛勤工作表示感谢,朱丽娅伍德霍夫和安娜贾维斯这一天诞生。

2.All that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the families. It was all for you.这些艰险的工作,这些巨大的艰辛,那些在地下度过的时光,不仅是为了赡家糊口,养活妻儿。

3.Despite all his hard work Mr Seo is still not able to drive. Next he needs to pass the test's practical section.尽管徐先生非常努力,可他目前仍然不能开车。下一步他需要通过驾驶考试的实际操作部分。

4.A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be.美丽人生是你(合理)分配你的时间,精力,思想和向着你所向往的生活而努力工作的结果。

5.Janet: Well, he still loves you. But now he's showing it in a different way. You know all his hard work is for us.珍妮特:嗯,他仍然深爱着你呀。只不过,他用不同方法来向你表示爱护有加。你知道吗,他是为我们的安枕无忧生活而努力工作。

6.Since the company is doing all the hard work of app building and promotion, it makes sense that they plan on taking a cut.既然公司承担了应用制作和推广这些棘手的工作,那么公司从中抽取一些利润也是合情合理的。

7.The makeshift settlements of Soweto show how much hard work is left to do.索维托的暂时和解显示出有多少艰巨的工作还需要去做。

8.Hard work is often the easy work you did not do at the proper time.难办的事往往是那些过去你没有及时办的容易事。

9.Despite years of hard work, he says, without adequate savings, Mr. Fox "still felt he had nothing to show for it as he went into his 50s. "即使努力工作了多年,他说,因为没有足够的存款,Fox先生“让然觉得他当他50多岁时会一筹莫展。”

10.Years of hard work broke his health, but it did not break his spirit.多年的艰苦的工作毁坏他的健康,但是它没挫伤他的锐气。